Typically, individual work takes place two to four times a month in 60-minute sessions
This work starts exactly where the countless sufferings of the soul and their physical consequences originate, namely in the injuries of the child.
Depression, addiction, relationship suffering, psychosomatic complaints, fears and phobias have their roots there. The child who was neglected still lives within us. Even today, it still needs the emotional attention that it would have needed back then and which was so often lacking. It needs a loving, safe space where it can show itself with all the feelings that were registered as “wrong” on the way to growing up and had to be hidden, denied and buried deep down. It needs a space where nothing is expected, but everything is allowed to be, where it is neither judged nor rationalized.
Only within such a space can our vulnerable self trust and our adult self experience what it needs to thrive. Old injuries can be uncovered and lovingly nurtured. In this way, a development takes place that was difficult to achieve in childhood: we learn to love ourselves and thus become capable of love. If we lack a connection with our vulnerable core, our being remains fragmented. We cannot become a whole person or have truly healthy relationships, even if we theoretically know exactly how to do so.
I see creating this safe space as the most important task in my work.
*Empfehlenswerte Bücher zu diesem Thema sind beispielsweise “Die Aussöhnung mit dem inneren Kind” von Erika J. Chopich, Margaret Paul oder “Das Kind in uns” von John Bradshaw
You can find more information on individual work here: